クリスマス パワーポイント教材 マイクロソフト認定教育イノベーター 特別支援

PowerPoint teaching material "Christmas Quiz”

PowerPoint christmas quiz materials

This time, we asked Mr. Michita Inaba, a Microsoft MVP award-winning teacher and a master of PowerPoint, to create Christmas quiz materials for us.


Here is a message from Mr. Inaba.

We introduced this Christmas quiz two years ago, but we have improved it after receiving feedback from those who used it. I would be very happy if you could use this PowerPoint teaching material to make lots of fun questions and use them at Christmas parties and so on.
In addition, I have also explained how to use this material effectively and what to keep in mind. We have had many requests from teachers overseas, so we have created an English version as well. Please play in a darkened room!


Disclaimer and precautions for downloading

・The file format is PowerPoint.

・The template can be downloaded and used free of charge at school or at home, but the copyright is not waived and the copyright is owned by the provider of the teaching materials. Please note that it is prohibited to sell or redistribute the template itself or the materials used in the template on the Internet. Commercial use is not permitted.



-クリスマス, パワーポイント教材, マイクロソフト認定教育イノベーター, 特別支援